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Steps to Solving the Spyware Threat
by: Mitch Johnson

Spyware has become a prominent factor in using the internet. To keep your computer free from spyware and working well as well as to protect your private information it is necessary to install one or more spyware tools. Spyware can and will strike a computer system as soon as possible which means users must immediately install anti-spyware software upon connecting a computer to the internet. Some forms of spyware work fairly silent and do not have many adverse side effects while others have a mission to bombard to aggressively with pop ups email advertisements.

Once current spyware infected files are fixed there is a process you can take your computer through that technicians say will arm your computer against spyware. Start by downloading the latest software updates from your software provider and get in the habit of regularly checking for new updates.

You computer should also have a secure personal firewall running, especially for users with a direct internet connection. Without a firewall your computer is open to threats including hackers, spyware, viruses and more. For Windows users it is advised you have the Service Pack 2 which has a built in firewall along with other vital updates. For other users or alternate firewalls there are several free for downloading.

With a firewall established users should run Spybot Search and Destroy, a spyware scan and removal tool. Spybot is well known and trusted by many computer users because of its effectiveness at catching and fixing thousands of known spyware problems. Always run Spybot or any other spyware tool with the latest updates and perform scan regularly. A second spyware scan tool recommended for use along with Spybot is AdAware. Using two spyware tools together will assist in finding all spyware threats, as one program is incapable of catching them all.

Although spyware is a threat it is still important for users to update and run their anti-virus tools regularly. Also try downloading Firefox to use as your browser as opposed to Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer has many spyware and other types of threats targeting it while Firefox is known as a much more secure, less vulnerable browser.

Performing each of these tasks on your computer will greatly help in protecting against spyware and other invasive internet threats. The results found in the spyware scans may surprise your but the performance of your computer after spy files are found and prevented will be worth the cautious efforts.

Mitch Johnson is a successful freelance author that writes regularly for, a site that focuses exclusively on spyware removal software, as well as tips on how to prevent spyware from popping up on your computer. This site articles on has spyware guard, as well as spyware scanner,

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